Join Us

We are inviting you to take up membership in UMASA.

The University of Malta Academic Staff Association (UMASA) is a professional association that represents the academic staff at the University of Malta. It is also a trade union registered under the national employment and industrial relations act. Membership of the Association is open to academic staff members employed by the University of Malta who are appointed by the University Council and attached by the said Council to a Faculty, Institute or Centre of the University that is involved primarily in education and/or research at degree level or beyond. For further information on membership we encourage you to view the detailed Statute of the AssociationThe membership fee is payed automatically through a deduction in your salary every four weeks. 

Please complete the Membership and Check-Off Authorisation forms here and then send the original copy to the current UMASA Treasurer, c/o UMASA, Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta, Msida, MSD 2080.

For questions on Membership kindly contact us on: